Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Martin is done... for now.

Last night I lowered the nut a bit more, stopping at 16, 18, 18, 18, 20, 22 high to low (in mils). I know that it could be lower, but for now I'm happy with that because it doesn't buzz at all. I then used the 0000 steel wool and applied the fretboard oil. It plays great, no buzz. The action is a tad high (80-100 mils) but I don't want to mess with that now... the action should come down this winter. I may make another saddle the the intent of keeping this one for the winter and a new lower one for the summer... or vice versa, I'm not sure yet.

Prior to the final polishing and oiling of the fretboard, I did use a fret "rocker" over the whole board and determined that the 6th and 8th frets were a bit high so I lowered them. This then made the 7th and 9th a bit high... so I lowered them. I could see where this was goinging, so I didn't press it too much. I got them to a place where one or two frets rocked ever so slightly and quit, as I didn't want to be chasing high frets all night.

So for now, I'm saying my Martin is done. I need to do some more workshop prep and start on the mold for my build this fall.

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